Category Archives: Governance arrangements

How decisions about care are made

Integration of HIV/AIDS services with maternal, neonatal and child health, nutrition, and family planning services


Background: The integration of HIV/AIDS and maternal, neonatal, child health and nutrition services (MNCHN), including family planning (FP) is recognized as a key strategy to reduce maternal and child mortality...

The effects of global health initiatives on country health systems: A review of the evidence from HIV/AIDS control


This paper reviews country-level evidence about the impact of global health initiatives (GHIs), which have had profound effects on recipient country health systems in middle and low income countries. We...

A review of HIV/AIDS system-level interventions


The escalating HIV/AIDS epidemic worldwide demands that on-going prevention efforts be strengthened, disseminated, and scaled-up. System-level interventions refer to programs aiming to improve the functioning of an agency as well...

Applicability and generalisability of the results of systematic reviews to public health practice and policy: A systematic review


BACKGROUND: The purpose of the study was to evaluate systematic reviews of research into two public health priorities, tobacco consumption and HIV infection, in terms of the reporting of data...

The impact of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programmes on maternal health care in resource-poor settings: Looking beyond the PMTCT programme – a systematic review


BACKGROUND: There is increasing debate about the impact of scaled-up HIV/AIDS programmes on fragile healthcare systems in low-income countries. OBJECTIVES: To contribute to the understanding of the relation between HIV/AIDS...

How can different models of organisation or bed utilisation improve the care of patients dying in hospital?


No abstract.

The effect of electronic medical record-based clinical decision support on HIV care in resource-constrained settings: A systematic review


Background: It is estimated that one million people infected with HIV initiate anti-retroviral therapy (ART) in resource-constrained countries annually. This occurs against a background of overburdened health workers with limited...

Universal voluntary HIV testing in antenatal care settings: A review of the contribution of provider-initiated testing & counselling


Objective To assess the contribution of provider-initiated testing and counselling (PITC) to achieving universal testing of pregnant women and, from available data on components of PITC, assess whether PITC adoption...

Geographical representativeness of published and ongoing randomized controlled trials. The example of: Tobacco consumption and HIV infection


Background: The challenge for evidence-based healthcare is to reduce mortality and the burden of diseases. This study aimed to compare where research is conducted to where research is needed for...

The contribution of the HIV specialist nurse to HIV care: A scoping review


AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To systematically identify and critically examine the evidence of the contribution of the HIV nurse specialist to provision of HIV care in the UK and other developed...

HIV and Mexican migrant workers in the United States: A review applying the vulnerable populations conceptual model


Mexican migrant workers residing in the United States are a vulnerable population at high risk for HIV infection. This article critically appraises the published data surrounding HIV prevalence in this...

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