Category Archives: Testing

HIV prevalence and testing among street-involved youth in Ontario


Key take-home messages Although the evidence about rates of HIV transmission among street-involved youth is unclear, this group is at risk of sexually transmitted bloodborne infections due to factors such...

Antenatal HIV testing in Sub-Saharan Africa during the implementation of the millennium development goals: A systematic review using the PEN-3 cultural model


This study systematically explored the barriers and facilitators to routine antenatal HIV testing from the perspective of pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa during the implementation period of the Millennium Development...

Sexual health of heterosexually-identified men who have sex with men


Key take-home messages Identifying heterosexually-identified men who have sex with men (heterosexual MSM) is difficult as most studies use sexual behaviour as a proxy for orientation and men engaging in...

Reminder systems for people living with HIV


Key take-home messages Text messaging, smart phone applications and cell phone counselling are all effective in promoting adherence to antiretroviral therapy. Text messaging and smart phone reminders are more effective...

Knowledge of HIV and related best practices among non-HIV specific health care providers


Key take-home messages One Canadian and several U.S. surveys have consistently shown a lack of HIV-related knowledge, awareness of HIV-related guidelines, and failure to screen for HIV among non-HIV specific...

Delivering HIV/STI test results over the phone and through text messaging


Key take-home messages The ability to promptly notify people who test positive for HIV or other STIs may slow the spread of new infections. Telephones and mobile technologies could be...

HIV and STI testing among Indigenous women and women who inject drugs


Key take-home messages Rates of HIV and other sexually transmitted and bloodborne infections are high among Indigenous women and women who inject drugs. For women who use drugs, centres that...

Community-based interventions to increase HIV testing among Black women


Key take-home messages There are few studies that examine the effectiveness of community-based interventions on HIV testing among Black women. HIV testing interventions in high-income settings are usually conducted in...

The acceptability and use of HIV self-testing among men who have sex with men in high-income countries


Key take-home messages Men who have sex with men from high-income countries appear to be willing to use HIV self-tests. The main benefits of HIV self-tests are convenience and privacy....

HIV testing practices


Key take-home messages Practice guidelines from the US, UK, the WHO, Europe and Australia were identified. Relevant primary literature was identified and reviewed in order to provide additional insight about...

Cost-effectiveness of front-line services (Updated 2010)


Key take-home messages There is no one-size-fits-all cost-effective HIV strategy. An intervention that is found to be effective at preventing HIV infection has a good chance of being cost-effective due...

HIV testing within general practices in Europe: A mixed-methods systematic review


BACKGROUND: Late diagnosis of HIV infection remains a key challenge in Europe. It is acknowledged that general practitioners (GPs) may contribute greatly to early case finding, yet there is evidence...

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