Category Archives: Men who have sex with men

Sexual health of heterosexually-identified men who have sex with men


Key take-home messages Identifying heterosexually-identified men who have sex with men (heterosexual MSM) is difficult as most studies use sexual behaviour as a proxy for orientation and men engaging in...

A review of approaches used to increase awareness of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in the United States


PrEP is an important and useful HIV prevention strategy, yet awareness remains low among at-risk populations in the United States and elsewhere in the world. As previous studies have shown...

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pre- & post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV


Key take-home messages There is not enough evidence to draw conclusions about the clinical effectiveness of non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP); however, non-occupational PEP is possibly a cost-effective intervention. PEP has...

Crystal methamphetamine use, sexual risk behaviours and harm reduction among men who have sex with men


Key take-home messages Use of crystal methamphetamine among men who have sex with men has been linked to unprotected sex, sex with multiple partners, sex with partners of unknown serostatus,...

The use of social marketing campaigns to increase HIV testing uptake: A systematic review


Social marketing campaigns have been increasingly used in HIV prevention efforts to address barriers to HIV testing. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the social marketing campaigns in...

Latino men and coming out


Key take-home messages Further research is required to fully demonstrate the differences in ‘coming out’ patterns between Latino and White MSM and how these differences impact health, HIV outcomes and...

What factors affect the health and well-being of lesbian, gay and bisexual Asian youth?


Key take-home messages Some studies have found a relationship between sexual minority status and substance use among Asian youth and adults. However, other studies have found evidence of resilience among...

Type-specific anal human papillomavirus prevalence among men, according to sexual preference and HIV status: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis


Background: Anal human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, most notably of HPV16, the central cause of anal cancer, is increased by anal sexual intercourse and worsened by HIV-positivity. Methods: We undertook a...

HIV prevention for men who have sex with men


Key take-home messages There are very few studies of prevention interventions for MSM that use reliable evaluation outcome measures Self-reports have shown that individual-, group- and community-level interventions are effective...

Mobile apps and sexual risk behaviours among men who have sex with men


Key take-home messages Since the 1990s, gay and bisexual men who have sex with men have been using information and communication technologies, specifically the internet and mobile smartphone networking applications...

Efficacy and safety of oral TDF-based pre-exposure prophylaxis for men who have sex with men: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Background: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is used as an HIV prevention method by people at substantial risk of HIV infection. This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluates current clinical evidence for use...

Sexual abstinence among people living with HIV/AIDS


Key take-home messages Diagnosis of HIV infection can have far-reaching implications: people’s sexual interest, the pleasure they derive from sex, their sense of attractiveness or appeal as a sexual partner...

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