Category Archives: Testing
A systematic review of HIV screening programs conducted in pediatric emergency departments in the United States
BACKGROUND: We conducted a systematic review of studies published in peer-reviewed journals on HIV screening programs conducted in pediatric emergency departments (PEDs) in the United States (US) with the objective...
Best practices to increase the uptake of HIV and HCV testing among people who use drugs
Interventions that provide HIV and/or HCV testing have been offered in a variety of settings. These include community settings such as outpatient drug treatment clinics, mobile clinics, harm reduction services...
A review of internet-based testing services for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Key take-home messages The integration of digital technologies into HIV and STI testing is becoming more prevalent, and appears to influence testing behaviours. Three models offering online HIV/STI testing that...
Incentive-based sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections screening in high-income countries: A systematic review
BACKGROUND: Despite increasing access to treatment and screening, rates of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI) continue to rise in high-income countries. The high cost of undiagnosed and untreated STBBI...
Utilization of provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Background: Provider-initiated HIV testing, and counseling (PITC) is a service in which health professionals provide HIV testing to all patients in health facilities. Provider-initiated HIV testing, and counseling is an important...
Point-of-care viral load tests to detect high HIV viral load in people living with HIV/AIDS attending health facilities
Background: Viral load (VL) testing in people living with HIV (PLHIV) helps to monitor antiretroviral therapy (ART). VL is still largely tested using central laboratory-based platforms, which have long test turnaround...
Diagnostic accuracy of the interferon-gamma release assay in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients with suspected tuberculosis infection: A meta-analysis
PURPOSE: The diagnostic accuracy of the interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) in immunosuppressed patients remains unclear. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed for diagnostic test accuracy of IGRA in...
HIV and STI testing preferences for men who have sex with men in high-income countries: A scoping review
Background: Regular testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) is recommended at least annually for sexually active men who have sex with men (MSM) in most high-income countries....
Tuberculosis screening among HIV-positive inpatients: A systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
Background: Since 2011, WHO has recommended that HIV-positive inpatients be routinely screened for tuberculosis with the WHO four-symptom screen (W4SS) and, if screened positive, receive a molecular WHO-recommended rapid diagnostic test...